Именно поэтому на лейбле Media Sharks жёсткие требования к артистам - присылать только музыку собственного сочинения и не использовать чужие сэмплы и биты. Freshtunes начал бороться с "неблагонадежными" аккаунтами
Неделю назад я получил от компании письмо следующего содержания:
Recently, we are increasingly faced with cases of piracy and would like to remind you of the rules for using the service. Piracy or copyright infringement is a violation of the rights of third parties and the rules for using the Freshtunes, which entails blocking the account and deleting all uploaded releases. Additionally, piracy is prohibited by all streaming services and digital stores and is punishable by the laws of all countries, which can lead to serious consequences.
As a reminder, you cannot use royalty-free music from services like Epidemic Sound. Remember that you must verify your rights to uploaded music at any time when requested by our legal department. If you cannot confirm the rights or ignore such a request, your account will be blocked, and all music will be deleted without the possibility of recovery.
We urge you not to violate the Freshtunes rules, the rules of streaming services and respect the rights of other rightsholders.
В двух словах, они будут блокировать аккаунты, через которые отгружается пиратский контент и будут удалять всю музыку, загруженную через эти аккаунты.
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